A man...on a mission.

No truer words could begin to describe our colleague, our teacher, our coach, our leader...our friend, Tom Moran. Forty-eight years ago he began his career as an educator, and in a few short months, he will turn the page to enjoy the next chapter of his life. This chapter, which spanned the better part of five decades, saw great change, great challenge, great opportunity...yet all the while Tom studied, discerned, and dreamt of what a St. Francis education would mean to each and every student, and parent, that came through our doors.

When we see words in our school philosophy like, "we envision..." we now know, that Tom played a vital role in that vision. St. Francis High School has always been different. Not any better...just different. Often times today we use the word "counter-cultural" as if to mean that what we do frequently contradicts what the secular world views as important. Faithful men...loving brothers...virtuous leaders...and dedicated learners. This is what we do, and this is who we are. And it is done through discipline, prayer, and most of all...love.

There has been no one who, during the span of almost five decades, more steadfastly dedicated himself to this mission. And we are a better school because of Tom Moran.  It has not always been easy.  It has not always been popular.  But it has been intentional...a dedication to mission, the magnitude of which we are only now beginning to truly see.

We are honored to establish the Tom Moran Educational Endowment, to ensure that this mission, and the means to carry it forward, remain a cornerstone of the St. Francis experience for generations of Golden Knights to come.